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Friday, July 11, 2008

We are on the MOVE

Yep, they say girls do everything faster than boys and I believe it.

Anna Claire started crawling this week and lunging everywhere. She also started saying da, da, and bye, bye, and trying to say ma, ma. Wow.. big difference than my boys who only wanted to sign unitl they were around eighteen months old. We (the boys and I) having been signing to her since she was five months old , but this week we could tell she understood what we were saying. I always sign butterfly at a toy she has on her changing table, and yesterday I signed butterfly and she looked straight over where it was and smiled. We also always sign more and all done, and she has gotten the more sign down pat!! I love signing with my children, it is such a blessing when they can communicate and not get frustrated. Here are some pics of Anna Claire in action :)


McQueens said...

I can't believe it.....Eliza is signing more words everyday too and I'm so excited. I do believe girls do some things faster than boys. See you soon!

Kayne and Thomas said...

Wow! That is amazing!! Some girls may do things faster than boys...some girls don't...AG didn't crawl until she was 10 months old. Congrats to Anna Claire!! She looks precious in the pics. And I love John-Hudson's many precious!