Whew.. is a word I have been saying a lot lately. Everyone has started back to school, and I myself, have started back to work part time. Sully has settled into "BIG BOY" school in 3k at All Saints and has Mrs. Justice, whom I think is the best teacher ever. She has paitence of Jobe, which I guess you have to if you work with fourteen three year olds. John-Hudson loves Mrs. Bonnoitt and 4k and loves staying unitl 2:45 like Hampton this year. Hampton is loving first grade as well. This is a very special to me as Hampton has Mrs. Mullins , who was my first grade teacher as well. This is her 4oth and last year teaching at All Saints. She is such a wonderful teacher and we are soo glad that Hampton has her this year. Anna Claire has started MMO as well, and it breaks my heart. We contemplated on where she would go and in the end convience won out. She is fiinally getting use to not being with me 24/7, but it still breaks my heart. She is my last baby and it just seems like she is growing up to fast. She started cruising around the nursery at MMO and I missed it. Of course, she did it at home too, but I wasn't the first to see it happen.
On a happier note, I am loving work and love being able to check on all of my kiddos while I am there. That in itself is such a blessing. I am adjusting to going back to work, juggling the morning routine, after school activities, all the committes I volunteered to be on this year.. you get the picture :) In a nutshell, life is good.. we are truely blessed.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
My SullyBug is Three!!
Where did three years go?? I can still remember having my ultrasound and Beth looked at me and said" Britton its looks like you are going to be my three sons." I remember being so overwhelmed and telling Bryan" How am I going to be able to handle three boys?" This is a girl who was raised by a woman and had one sister. What did I know about raising or even being around boys?? The lord reminds me everyday why I had boys when I hear" Mom you are so beautiful, I love your outfit, your toes are so pretty, I will always take care of you". The lord has a plan for each of my boys in my life and I in theirs.
Sully, you were such a easy baby. You slept great( at three weeks sleeping through the night), ate great, and loved to be held. Pretty soon though you would inform us that you were full speed, and could make any mother or father have numerous panic attacks. You are fearless and into everything. You busted your first lip on your first birthday and you have not found slow gear yet. Sullivan, you are all boy and truely are the ham of our family!! Singing, dancing, and entertaining everyone you meet. Our lives would be dull without you and I am so thankful that God did give me my third son, YOU! You make me look at life in a different perspective and you fill our lives with endless joy!
We love you, our little linebacker!!
Sully, you were such a easy baby. You slept great( at three weeks sleeping through the night), ate great, and loved to be held. Pretty soon though you would inform us that you were full speed, and could make any mother or father have numerous panic attacks. You are fearless and into everything. You busted your first lip on your first birthday and you have not found slow gear yet. Sullivan, you are all boy and truely are the ham of our family!! Singing, dancing, and entertaining everyone you meet. Our lives would be dull without you and I am so thankful that God did give me my third son, YOU! You make me look at life in a different perspective and you fill our lives with endless joy!
We love you, our little linebacker!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Camps, Camps and more Camps
Baker, Hampton, John, and Andrew at Soccer Camp
Sully has been going to All Saints summer camp and having a great time swimming, painting, tumbling and just being with the "Big Boys". How can he be going into 3k this year? He loves carrying in his lunch box and thinks he is just like his brothers.. BIG!
Hampton went with Bryan to Camp Adam Fisher this year for a whole week. Bryan was a counselor there this year and so we decided it would be a great way for Hampton to experience camp while still having a security blanket with him. I was so worried dropping him off, as they have to be responsible for everything themselves. That means taking a shower everyday, brushing their teeth everyday, putting on clean and different clothes everyday. We are talking about boys here. Boys that would be fine wearing the same clothes for three days straight and not taking a shower but once a week. Thank goodness Bryan was right there to remind him to change his clothes, take a shower ect.. It was so hard leaving him there but I thought of all of my camp experiences and knew he would have a great time. It was the first time in almost seven years that he has been away from me for more than three days. Needless to say he did alot better than I did at home without him. He and Bryan came home singing all sorts of camp songs, and just soo excited about the whole experience. He already said he can't wait to go back next year. I went to camp every year from the time I was in the first grade until I was a junior in high school. I was so glad he loved going as much as I did. I was also glad Bryan got to experience the whole camp atmosphere and got to see first hand what I did as a teenager. Camp activites, camp food, camp songs, camp smells... I wouldn't have traded it for anything and am so glad we get to give our children these opportunities as well.
I will post some pics of the boys at their various camps shortly.. queen anna claire is teething and needs her mama ..NOW:)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sand, Water and lots of fun
I finally was able to get my adaptor for my new camera, and hence I am able to load some pics. I have tons of pics from the beach and July 4th, now only if I could figure out the slideshow option. I got very overwhelmed looking at the pictures of Hampton. Where did the time go and how can my firstborn be almost seven? I hope he loves his wife as much as he loves his mother, because she will be one lucky girl!! There are pics of all three having fun digging castles, playing in the ocean, going to the "private" island and having picnics and swimming in the pool. Yes, there are some of ms. Anna Claire too enjoying the beach and sun!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
The boy with many hats!
John-Hudson wanted me to post some pictures of him in his many hats:) OF course being the doting mother I am, I obliged!! John-Hudson loves to wear hats, and will constantly changes out his hats to fit his mood. He is soo imaginitive, and plays so well by himself. I am amazed at his ability to entertain himself. What a blessing when you have four children. Without further ado..here he is one day modeling his favorite ones....
We are on the MOVE
Yep, they say girls do everything faster than boys and I believe it.
Anna Claire started crawling this week and lunging everywhere. She also started saying da, da, and bye, bye, and trying to say ma, ma. Wow.. big difference than my boys who only wanted to sign unitl they were around eighteen months old. We (the boys and I) having been signing to her since she was five months old , but this week we could tell she understood what we were saying. I always sign butterfly at a toy she has on her changing table, and yesterday I signed butterfly and she looked straight over where it was and smiled. We also always sign more and all done, and she has gotten the more sign down pat!! I love signing with my children, it is such a blessing when they can communicate and not get frustrated. Here are some pics of Anna Claire in action :)
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Yes I do have more than one child:) Thanks mom for reminding me!
Well, as soon as my sweet, loving husband buys me and adaptor for my new camera I can upload our beach pictures and fourth of July pictures. I did take my old camera with me to the lake and snap some pics of ALL my children. So here are a few pictures from the lake, although the majority were taken with my new camera.
We celebrated with friends and family on July 4th with a cookout and swimming. The children all had lots of fun swimming, and playing together. Later that night, Bryan decided to head to the lake with the three boys leaving Anna Claire and I to chill out at home:) Saturday morning Anna Claire and I headed to the lakehouse to meet the boys for lunch and fishing. It started to rain so we ended up inside most of the day. After supper, Hampton, Anna Claire and I headed on home to go to church on sunday. Bryan, John-Hudson, and Sully spent another night so they could go fishing the next day. True outdoorsman those three.
We celebrated with friends and family on July 4th with a cookout and swimming. The children all had lots of fun swimming, and playing together. Later that night, Bryan decided to head to the lake with the three boys leaving Anna Claire and I to chill out at home:) Saturday morning Anna Claire and I headed to the lakehouse to meet the boys for lunch and fishing. It started to rain so we ended up inside most of the day. After supper, Hampton, Anna Claire and I headed on home to go to church on sunday. Bryan, John-Hudson, and Sully spent another night so they could go fishing the next day. True outdoorsman those three.
Anna Claire,
The epps clan
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Beach Bums
We had a great two weeks at the beach. (Holden Beach, NC) The boys had lots of fun at the ocean boogie boarding, making sand forts, and drip castles. They also loved watersliding this year too. Even Sully went down the waterslide by himself( after much coaxing that is). They crabbed with their Gigi and caught thirteen crabs. We visited the "Big Ship" in Wilminton, NC, and even had a nice picinic beside the waterway. We swam in Georges pool and ate lots and lots of yummy food.
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